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Doing all the things (including a disability justice reading list)

Right now, I’m not able to do all the things. I do lots of things, just not all the ones I want to do as often as I’d like.

Right now, it’s academic jorb application season. (Saying ‘job’ in the voice(s) of Coach Z makes the season brighter.) I’m also part of a weekly disability justice study group, which btw has an amazing reading/watching/listening list so far (scroll down for links). And I’ve got a revise and resubmit looming. And a couple of other conference things I need to write within the month. And I’m teaching an online class. And y’know, there’s family time and yoga and getting outside and housework and showering and ongoing research (aka keeping up on Twitter and blogs and other reading). Plus it’s canning season.

The first round of apples, all destined for apple butter: at least 6 big crock pots-worth full of green, nobby, bruised, and deliciously tart granny smiths.

So yeah, right now’s kinda busy.

I’d like to be blogging more and getting this site going. With all this other stuff going on, I haven’t been able to spend a lot of time here *yet*. But do check back, dear reader, as I plan to start posting here more regularly just as soon as I get some deadlines behind me.

Oh? You may be thinking. Why? What might I expect to see if I return/subscribe?

Well, ultimately, I’m hoping to contribute stuff that’s interesting/useful for other folks who are into communication and disability rights. And I’m hoping to have interesting conversations with these folks.

Geeking out. That’s the main goal here. Talking about ideas I’m excited about for/with folks who’re interested in those ideas (even if my audience only includes me. The self-reflection is useful, too). I plan to post reading notes on stuff I’m reading, thoughts-in-progress re: stuff I’m researching, and reflections about my disability rights advocacy work. I’m also aiming to share resources that are useful for thinking about communication and disability.

To that last end, let me finish this post (somewhat abruptly) with a list of links about disability justice from my study group. So far, the organizers have put together a great syllabus. Below are the links from week 1.

Thanks for reading. Til next time –Jess

Disability Justice Reading List:


Autistic Hoya, Disability in an ableist world:

Wikipedia, Ableism:

Autistic Hoya, Ableist Words and Terms to Avoid:

Mia Mingus, Feeling the Weight: Some Beginning Notes on Disability Access and Love: (My favorite piece from this list, one I need to reread and reread, one that’s been resonating with so much we’ve been talking about, so much I’ve been thinking about..)

Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, So Much Time Spent In Bed: Gloria Anzaldua, chronic illness, Coatlicue and disability:

Mia Mingus, Changing the Framework: Disability Justice:

10 Principles of Disability Justice:


Naomi Gingold at NPR, People with ‘Invisible Disabilities’ Fight for Understanding:

Stella Young at TED, Inspiration Porn and the Objectification of Disability:

The Disability Justice Collective:

Video with ASL Interpretation

Patient No More: cripstory by leah lakshmi piepzna-samarasinha:

Published in disability justice meta-blogging (blogging about the blog)